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* Historical Notes on the EinsteHistorical Notes on the Einste

Hora: 8:47

In 1935 A. Einstein and collaborators published two high impact papers, one in May and the other in September. Even though these papers dealt with apparently disconnected topics, an interesting connection between them has recently been suggested. The first one turned out to be one of the works with the greatest impact on physics, now known as the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen argument; the second one introduced the idea of a “wormhole”. The eventual connection between the Einstein-Rosen Bridge and the entanglement triggered our interest in revisiting the history behind the Einstein- Rosen work. Here we discuss the historical context of the original paper and some controversies originated from its publication.

* Desig natural de saberDesig natural de saber

Hora: 19:00

Història natural als segles XVI i XVII entre política i art “Natural desiderio di sapere. Roma barocca fra vecchi e nuovi mondi” Col·loqui: Sabina Brevaglieri, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

* Recreació històricaRecreació històrica

Hora: 19:00

Recreació històrica de les primeres fotografies de muntanya a Catalunya Col·loquis: Carles Mitjà, Fotoconnexió, “La reproducció mecànica de les imatges fotogràfiques al s.XIX”. Salvador Tió, Fotoconnexió/SCHCT, “Taller de Positivat de negatius mitjançant procediments fotoquímics del s.XIX”

* Escala i CordaEscala i Corda

Hora: 16:00

Escala i Corda: Ciència, Lloc i Història Col·loqui: “Historicizing the Universal: Writing the History of International Science after Sarton" Geert Somsen, Maastricht University

* Historical Notes on the EinsteHistorical Notes on the Einste

Hora: 12:00

[Pedro W. Lamberti, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina] In 1935 A. Einstein and collaborators published two high impact papers, one in May and the other in September. Even though these papers dealt with apparently disconnected topics, an interesting connection between them has recently been suggested. The first one turned out to be one of the works with the greatest impact on physics, now known as the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen argument; the second one introduced the idea of a “wormhole”. The eventual connection between the Einstein-Rosen Bridge and the entanglement triggered our interest in revisiting the history behind the Einstein- Rosen work. Here we discuss the historical context of the original paper and some controversies originated from its publication.

* Col·loquis a Olot: MiasmesCol·loquis a Olot: Miasmes

Hora: 19:00

Miasmes del segle XXI: de la topografia mèdica a la salut ambiental “Miasmes i topografies mèdiques a Olot” de Joel Piqué Buisan, Observatori d’Humanitats FHOCG i UVIC “Miasmes i topografies mèdiques a Olot” de Laura Puigbert, Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya

* Col·loquis Vic 2019-2020Col·loquis Vic 2019-2020

Hora: 20:00

“La sordesa dels gest a la paraula. La història d’una prohibició” Begonya Torres Gallardo, Universitat de Barcelona

* Seminari Work in ProgressSeminari Work in Progress

Hora: 13:00

Sébastien Plutniak (Laboratori LISST, Toulouse): The development of metrological scientific specialties: archaeology and archaeometry in France (18th–20th centuries). A study of engineers' life-course and recognition. ABSTRACT:In the history of science, the development of scientific specialities based on the use of measurement and/or computation occurred in many disciplines: e.g. psychometry in psychology, econometry in economy, bibliometrics in documentation sciences, numerical ecology, computational linguistics, etc. In many cases, engineers played an important role in this process. Many studies focused on the particularities of engineers' knowledge (Boon 2011) and the development of industrial research (Shinn 2005). Besides, there is a vast literature on the history of engineering, addressing engineers' institutions, skills, careers, and political commitments. These works emphasize the generality, domain-free, and transposable skills of engineers, who have been characterized by their ability to operate in multiple areas. Archaeology has been one of these domains. From its beginning (Napoleon's campaign in Egypt from 1798) to the development of archaeometry from the 1960s, engineers have always been present in the growth archaeology. Using the case of France, I will also address the multi-activity typical of engineers. However, contrary to previous studies which focus on engineers' knowledge and skills, I will pay particular attention to their life courses, recognition and interaction with non-engineer archaeologists. Three datasets will be used: 1) the prosopography of 39 actors who were both engineers and archaeologists (18th–20th centuries); 2) a detailed examination of the social composition of 3 French archaeological societies (1894–1984); 3) archival materials and interviews with archaeologists related to the development of archaeometry in the 2sd half of the 20th century. This perspective from historical sociology will shed new light on general issues concerning the formalisation of scientific research fields and the conflicts of definition it raises.

* Escala i CordaEscala i Corda

Hora: 16:00

Escala i Corda: Ciència, Lloc i Història Col·loqui: “Is There a Politics of Scale?” Glenda Sluga, The University of Sidney/European University Institute

* Objectes perdutsObjectes perduts

Hora: 19:00

Explicar i exposar ciència a museus i altres llocs públics Col·loqui: “Exhibiting Anatomy in Montpellier: a work still in progress” Caroline Ducourau, Direction de la culture scientifique et du patrimoine historique, Université de Montpellier

* Mallart: Puig i CadafalchMallart: Puig i Cadafalch

Hora: 12:00

Lucila Mallart (UPF): Puig i Cadafalch, relaciones internacionales

* Phillips: Carbon ClimatePhillips: Carbon Climate

Hora: 12:00

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