El rector de la Universitat de València es complau a convidar-vos a la inauguració de l’exposició:
Lectures de l’obsitat: medicina, art i societat
El 12 de desembre a les 20.00 hores al Palau Cerveró, plaça de Cisneros, 4
The American Challenge. The impact of the US scientific, technological and industrial organization in Post-war Europe.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Humanities, Barcelona (Spain), December 15-16, 2011, room 20.053
Daniele Cozzoli (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Departament d’Humanitats)
Mauro Capocci (University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
Matteo Gerlini (Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies, University of Florence)
Simone Turchetti (University of Manchester)
contact: daniele.cozzoli@upf.edu
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Chair: Antoni Malet (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
(15:00 Wellcome address)
15:15 Presentation
Daniele Cozzoli (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
15:30 – 16:15
Jon Agar (University College London)
How do we account for the predominance of US science? Seven kinds of answers
16:15 -17:00
Veera Lisa Nisonen (European Institute Florence)
The American Challenge and the Difficult Advent of the Common European Research Policy”
17:00 Coffee break
17:30 – 18:15
chair: Agustí Nieto Galán (Universitat Atutónoma de Barcelona)
John Krige ( Georgiatech, Atlanta)
“The Co-Construction of Transnational Networks in Space Science: NASA-West European Relations in the Early 1960s”
18:15 – 19:00
Robert Bud (London Science Museum)
Pure and Applied Research in the Context of the Cold War
Friday, 16 December
Chair: Matteo Gerlini (University of Florence)
10:00 – 10:45
Ludovic Tournès (Université de Paris Ouest)
American foundations and the Higher Education and Research System in France (1945-1965)
10:45 – 11:15 Coffe break
chair: Xavier Roqué (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
11:15 – 12:00
Soraya de Chadarevian (University of California, Los Angeles)
Scientific relations between the US and the -UK post WW II.
12:00 – 12:45
Daniele Cozzoli (UPF, Barcelona)
Penicillin and the Americanization of Europe. Three patterns of penicillin research and production in Post-war Europe
12:45 -15: 00 Lunch
chair: Oliver Hochadel (CSIC, Barcelona)
15:00 – 15:45
María-Jesús Santesmases (CSIC, Madrid)
Genetics during the Cold War: Body, technologies, images
15:45 -16:30
Mauro Capocci (“La Sapienza” University of Rome) – Fabio De Sio (Queen Mary University of London)
LIGB and the others. Creating a new space for science in Southern Italy.
16:30 – 17:15
Simone Turchetti (University of Manchester)
Sword, Shield and Buoys: the US, NATO and Oceanography in Europe, 1957-1973
17:15 – 17: 30 Coffe break
chair: Gilberto Corbellini (University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
17:30 – 18:00
Robert Marc Friedmann (University of Oslo)
Icy Shadows: American Cold-War Concerns and the Shaping of Norwegian Polar Research Policy
La sala d’actes de les facultats de Ciències i Biociències de la UAB acollirà enguany els actes de commemoració de la vida i obra de Ramon Llull, pensador nascut a Palma de Mallorca el s. XIII i un dels pioners del català literari. La jornada tindrà lloc el 30 de novembre a partir de les 12 h.
Per a més informació veure:
Con motivo de la participación de Patricia Fara en la serie de coloquios “Plaers i obstacles”, fue entrevistada por J. Agustín López Martínez.
Podéis leer la entrevista aquí:
Sigrid Leyssen, investigadora del National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) “Iconic Criticism – Power and Importance of Images” de la Universitat de Basel presentarà (en anglès) el seu treball de recerca titulat “Impress by the real: Albert Michotte ‘s experiments with images” el dilluns dia 28 de novembre a les 12.30h en la P-24 de la Facultat de Psicologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. L’acte és obert a tots els que estiguin interessats en el tema.
Entrevista a Paola Govoni realizada por Miquel Carandell con motivo de su conferencia en el IEC, Barcelona, dentro del ciclo Plaers i Obstacles (2010-2011).
Dimecres 23 de novembre, a la Biblioteca Sagrada Familia (Barcelona) a les 19.00h.
“L’escàndol de la vivisecció en la literatura de l’Anglaterra victoriana”
La conferencia anirà a càrrec de Jordi Lamarca (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), i tindrà el títol :
Valencia, 30 November – 2 December 2011
Institute for the History of Medicine and Science “López Piñero”
Palau Cerveró
Plaça Cisneros, 4. CP. 46003-València (SPAIN)
Scientific experts play a crucial role in modern societies. Expert advice is broadly employed nowadays in matters such as the fight against the disease, the prosecution of criminal activities, the development of military industry, the control of food quality and the regulation of industry, among many others. Due to this important role, an increasing number of studies have been focused on the role of experts in modern western societies. The study of experts and expertise has an interdisciplinary nature, involving historians of science and sociologists of knowledge and professions, law scholars and historians of law as well as science popularisers and those who study the public image of science. All these ingredients make the study of experts an expanding area, placed at the crossroads of many disciplinary histories, and benefiting from the fruitful interaction of a heterogeneous group of scholars pursuing a broad spectrum of aims ranging from history, sociology or philosophy of science studies to current public policy problems. Taking into account these studies, the main goal of the meeting is to explore from a comparative perspective the shaping of the expert and expertise in the European periphery from late eighteenth-century to twentieth century.
Divendres, 25 novembre 2011
11:00 hrs al CEHIC, Facultat de ciències (UAB)
Jaume Sastre (CEHIC-UAB).
“Un laboratori per a la divulgació científica: el New York Museum of Science and Industry i la política de les exposicions tecnològiques als Estats Units”.
En Jaume Sastre presentarà resultats de la seva recerca als Estats Units, part de la seva tesi doctoral en curs sobre el New York Museum of Science and Industry.