Cicle de seminaris, Thomas Schnalke

Toc, toc, hi ha lloc? La història en els museus de ciència

Dilluns, 7, 14 i 21 de Maig de 2012.
Totes les sessions a les 18:00 hores

Sala d’Actes de la Delegació del CSIC
Carrer Egipcíaques, 15. 08001 Barcelona

Residència d’Investigadors (CSIC-Generalitat de Catalunya)

Amb la col·laboració de:
Línia “Pràctiques culturals en espais urbans”, IMF-CSIC
Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

José Pardo-Tomás (IMF-CSIC)
Alfons Zarzoso (Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya)

Dilluns 7 de maig

Thomas Schnalke
(director del Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité)

Beneath the Skin and Back to Life. A conceptual visit to the Berlin Museum of Medical History
The Berlin Museum of Medical History is a university museum located on the premises of the renowned Berlin clinic called Charité. Built and founded by the eminent German pathologist Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) as a so called Pathological Museum in 1899 its primary goal was to visualize an inventory of all human diseases by the arrangement of over 23.000 dry and wet specimens on 2.000 m². After its reopening under its current name in 1998, it was re-conceptualized as a venue to address core developments in the history of medicine. In my talk I will offer a virtual visit to and through the Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité outlining the status, running, and topographical context of this institution, as well as the basic ideas for the development and realization of its permanent presentation opened in late 2007 and the spectrum of temporary exhibitions which shape the profile of the museum in the public. The discussion might also address important issues of an intensive debate on the use of university collections for research in Germany.
