Seminari de Sébastien Plutniak

Dimarts 4 de març, 12:15h al  CEHIC

Sébastien Plutniak (Centre d’étude des rationalités et des savoirs, EHESS, Toulouse).
“Integration of Standards into the Caveman’s Realm : A (short) Story of Multidimensional analysis in French Prehistory Archaeology”

En Sébastien Plutniak ha estat com a visitant al CEHIC, i ens presenta el seu projecte de recerca.
Aquest és el seu perfil acadèmic:

I have been trained both as a social anthropologist and as a prehistory archaeologist. I am currently Phd Candidate in sociology of science at the EHESS, France, with a project devoted to an approach of formalization in French archaeology during the second half of the 20th Century. This case study leads me to deal with issues related to the innovation in the scientific activities, the relationship between sociological and methodological change and the definition of human sciences scientificity.
